These include the selection of various types of circuit breakers (including residual current action protectors), fuses, measuring instruments (voltmeters, ammeters), shunt breakers, three-phase four-wire sockets, single-phase sockets, power indicators, inputs Output terminal block, PE grounding protection device, AC contactor (thermal relay), transformer, energy meter, time relay, temperature controller, start stop button, etc.
According to the above requirements, it is selected to be able to accommodate the required electrical components and to facilitate manual wiring and repair and replacement of components. In normal operation, the input and output power circuits can be switched on or off by means of manual or semi-automatic, fully automatic operation. The controlled equipment is faulty or requires temporary maintenance and power failure. The circuit or alarm is cut off by means of other protective components. The operating voltage, current, etc. of the controlled equipment are observed by means of various instruments installed on the surface of the distribution box.
As for the installation wires inside the distribution box, the wiring noses of various models must also reach the rated working current of the controlled equipment; including the rated working current of the plum blossom tube, the heat shrinkable tube and the terminal block; including the pendulum of various components Placement and natural heat dissipation problems, fastening screws, mounting rails, plastic trunking;
Simply put, it is very particular to make a qualified distribution box; its safety, technicality, and versatility are interlocking; if you are a master with a relatively strong DIY, refer to other distribution boxes. It is believed that a qualified distribution box can be formulated.