The miniature circuit breaker used for motor start should be D type, C type used for power distribution control and lighting, D type has a larger short-circuit segment multiple than C type.
he miniature circuit breaker used for starting the motor should be type D, type C used for power distribution control and lighting, type D has a larger short-circuit segment multiple than type C, such as a switch rated 32A, short-circuit point D The segment capacity is about 7-10 times the rated, and the C is about 4-7 times.
Small size, easy to install, flexible to use, and widely used in power systems. The miniature circuit breaker has short-circuit protection (electromagnetic tripping) and overload protection (bimetallic thermal tripping). Miniature circuit breakers combined with leakage trip accessories constitute our most common leakage protector. The common types of miniature circuit breakers are Type C and Type D.
Protection principle Short-circuit protection: When a short-circuit fault occurs in the line, the short-circuit current is very large, the electromagnetic force of the electromagnetic coil is used to drive the iron core in the coil to push the push rod, and the push rod top unlocks, and the breaking function time is less than or equal to 0.1 second. Overload protection: When the line has an overload fault, the current exceeds the rated current and is less than the set short-circuit current value. The overload current causes the thermal bimetallic element to bend and push the lock to realize the function of breaking the circuit breaker. The time depends on the current size. The corresponding delay.
The difference between type C and type D
The difference between Type C and Type D is the instantaneous short-circuit trip current, and the overload protection is the same.
Type C: The magnetic trip current is (5-10) In, which means it will trip when the current is 10 times the rated current, and the action time is less than or equal to 0.1 second. Suitable for protecting conventional loads and lighting circuits. (C-type is mostly used at home)
Type D: The magnetic trip current is (10-20) In, which means it will trip when the current is 20 times the rated current, and the action time is less than or equal to 0.1 second. It is suitable for protecting equipment with high inrush current and loads with large starting current, such as small motors that start directly.