China's newly installed offshore and land wind power capacity ranks first in the world in 2020
Date:2021-04-15 origin:RCCN Visit:16341
GWEC pointed out that thanks to technological innovation and scale effects, the global wind power market has almost doubled in the past ten years, becoming one of the most cost-competitive and resilient power sources. China and the United States are the two largest wind energy sources in the world. In the market, in 2020, the installed capacity of wind power in the two countries has achieved record growth, with new installed capacity accounting for 75% of the global increase, and cumulative wind power installed capacity has reached more than half of the global total.
However, the report pointed out that the current growth rate is still difficult to meet the need to achieve global net zero emissions by 2050. GWEC estimates that in the next ten years, global wind power installations will need to increase at three times the current rate to achieve net zero in 2050. Emission targets to avoid the serious impact of climate change. According to the research of the International Renewable Energy Agency and the International Energy Agency, at least 180 GW of wind power needs to be added every year in the world to achieve the temperature control target of 2 degrees Celsius. To achieve the net by 2050 Zero emissions, 280GW of new wind power installed capacity needs to be added every year.
GWEC recommends that policy makers take the following measures to accelerate the development of wind power, including simplifying procedures, speeding up project permitting and approval processes; substantially increasing investment in power grids, ports and other infrastructure, and increasing installed capacity faster; and promoting the energy market Adjust to ensure that fossil fuels bear the real social costs, and promote the rapid transition of energy supply to a renewable energy-based structure.
The top five global onshore wind power installations in 2020 are China (48940 MW), the United States (16913 MW), Brazil (2297 MW), Norway (1532 MW), and Germany (1431 MW);
The top five global offshore wind power installations in 2020 are China (3,060 MW), the Netherlands (1493 MW), Belgium (706 MW), the United Kingdom (483 MW), and Germany (237 MW);
The top five global onshore wind power installed capacity in 2020 are China (278324 MW), the United States (122275 MW), Germany (55122 MW), India (38625 MW), Spain (27238 MW);
The top five global offshore wind power installations in 2020 are the United Kingdom (10,206 MW), China (996 MW), Germany (7728 MW), the Netherlands (2611 MW), and Belgium (2262 MW).
Article information source-China Sankei Shimbun
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