OPPO layout 6G has carried out early technical research and system design
Date:2021-07-15 origin:China Industry News Visit:14101
OPPO believes that 6G networks will reshape the way people interact with AI as never before, making AI truly an infrastructure that everyone can apply and optimize. Smart terminals will become important participants and users of AI. Terminal devices can not only call and load AI algorithms in different scenarios according to their needs, creating a new immersive experience for consumers, but also continuously deliver data and feedback for AI. AI model.
Therefore, OPPO innovatively introduces the AI surface as a brand new dimension in the 6G white paper, which is parallel to the traditional CP and UP to form an intelligent cube (AI-Cube), which improves 6G from the two major levels of network functions and high-level networking capabilities. The network makes the 6G network an existence that can continuously optimize itself and dynamically deploy. At the same time, OPPO also plans to deeply integrate 6G and AI, and rationally schedule multiple nodes and multiple resources under the 6G network to form a more targeted AI domain.
OPPO 5G Chief Scientist Tang Hai said, “The new generation of communication technology is expected to start standardization in 2025, and commercial launch around 2035. Towards 2035, OPPO predicts that the number of other types of smart bodies in the world will far exceed that of humans. Therefore, the next generation of communication technology, or 6G, should not only serve people, but also serve all agents and intelligent interactions between all agents. With this thinking, we have carried out early technical research and research on 6G system design."
It is reported that OPPO has established a pre-research team for 6G, and has carried out early research work on 6G business and technical requirements, key technologies, and system characteristics, and has initially established an AI simulation training platform for related technical ideas.
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